Monday, 18 February 2013

And the Oscar Goes To...

There are some really good movies in the running for best picture this year at the Oscars...or so I hear they are good. I love movies but am generally pretty slow to actually seeing them. Of those on the nominated list, I have seen two: Django Unchained and Zero Dark Thirty. Both were extremely violent, but both were also outstanding stories.   

Although I have not seen many of the movies, this does not stop me from hosting an Oscar's party. Any reason to have a party works for me! I'm working on a movie themed game and of course we'll have the ballots. As per usual, because of my lack-of-movie-viewing, my ballot will be filled with guesses based on what my friends who have actually seen the movies say or what the entertainment shows have just reported as the front runners in each category.

Food wise there are a myriad of ideas. Here are a few movie-themed suggestions for you to use at your own Oscar's party:

Zero Dark Thirty - Classic Hummus as it's a traditional middle eastern dish. Recipe from The Pioneer Woman

Life of Pi - Fish Pie Need we say more? Recipe from Food it Forward.

Lastly, we had to pick Argo for the Canadian connection and what's more Canadian than maple syrup? We found this wonderful recipe for Maple Spice Cake from where else but Canadian Living :)

Have a ball on Oscar night!

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